Biotek S4
Build hard, dry, lean muscle and burn fat. Shredding 101.
S4 is said to be one of the most potent of SARMs in how it is hugely effective in sustaining lean muscle tissue while stimulating fat reduction simultaneously. S4 also boasts strong androgenic effects as it is around 30%+ of the strength of Testosterone when binding to the androgen receptor. S4 also rapidly increases the overall amount of muscle mass produced via its desensitization of the Androgen receptor to the subjects natural testosterone to exhibit a far stronger effect.
Excitingly enough, S4 itself has become the most studied, analysed and investigated SARM so far, purporting many positive effects. Such effects that can be viewed are, its likeness to such anabolics, Anavar and Winstrol, though S4 can provide a more profound gain in lean muscle gain, meaning fantastic gains in lean dry muscle tissue. There are many cases in which subjects have gained lean muscle whilst in a caloric deficit.
Key Points:
- One-third as androgenic in activity as testosterone in muscle tissue.
- Rapidly enhanced strength
- Fantastic for shredding
- Increased muscle hardness and fullness
- Increased vascularity
- Increase in endurance both aerobic or anaerobic
- Rapid fat loss
- Great Joint healing effects
S4 is also known to minimize an enzyme that causes lipid fat to accumulate which plays a role in the storing of unwanted excess bodyfat. The Androgen receptor oxidizes this body fat and uses it as its preferred main source of energy, allowing the subjects body to burn through excess fat at an astonishingly fast rate.
Other aesthetic improvements have been noted, including improvements in vascularity, as the lean muscle that is built is hard and dense in nature with minimal to no water retention. For health purposes and healing, there is also strong supportive evidence that S4 also helps prevent debilitating problems such as osteoporosis, what this means for subject is that use over time will strengthen the bones and soft tissues within the body such as tendons and ligaments, all great for injury prevention.
S4 is great at prevention of muscle wastage, especially for those subjects who have chosen to use it as a tool when bridging between anabolic cycles in order to keep the newly found tissue that has been built.
The most famous known side effect of S4 is temporary loss of night vision or experiencing a yellow tint. Test subjects report that it is difficult to adjust when going from bright places to dark places. This side effect goes away after roughly a week of discontinued use. Test subjects should not drive or operate dangerous machinery in dark conditions.
Dosage Recommendation: Independent lab research has indicated a recommended dosage of 25mg twice per day split up between morning and afternoon doses, as S4 has a half-life of 4-6 hours. Lower doses may be in the range of 10mg twice per day again splitting morning and afternoon for greatest effect. Independent research has shown Cycles can range between 6-8 weeks dose-dependent
25mg per capsule // 60 capsules per bottle
Made in USA
These products are not for use in preventing, curing, or treating a particular disease or ailments. For research only, not for human consumption.