Biotek LGD4033
The most ultra-concentrated anabolic Sarm ever created.
Bio-LIG, clinically identified as LGD-4033, is an ultra-potent, highly anabolic non-steroidal Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that binds to androgen receptors, yielding effects akin to many well-known anabolic compounds. In terms of strength, it stands as the SARM that comes closest to resembling the properties of traditional anabolic substances. Clinical studies have substantiated the substantial benefits of this compound, making it a groundbreaking discovery for achieving maximal size, fullness, and strength. LGD-4033 reigns as the most potent among all SARMS, particularly when it comes to the potential for size gains.
Key Points:
- The most anabolic SARM
- Rapid gain in size and strength
- Minimal known side effects
- Excellent for re-comping and building muscle whilst losing fat
- Fantastic Healing properties
- Prevents muscle wasting
- Unmatched muscle building properties in comparison to other Sarms
This compound is a member of a group of Androgen Receptor ligands known for their tissue-selective action. It was initially designed to combat and prevent muscle wasting linked to conditions such as cancer, acute and chronic illnesses, and age-related muscle loss. It accomplishes this by binding to the androgen receptor in muscle and skeletal tissue.
Specifically, LGD-4033 is expected to deliver many of the positive healing and therapeutic benefits associated with testosterone but with significantly improved patient safety, tolerability, and acceptance. This is due to its tissue-selective mode of action and its oral administration.
Through its selectivity, LGD-4033 attaches directly to androgen receptors, exerting its anabolic effects primarily within bones and muscles, without negatively affecting other vital tissues and systems in the body, such as the prostate and sebaceous glands, as seen with testosterone.
Dosage Recommendation: Singular dosing per day consecutively is preferred. Independent lab research has indicated doses are in the recommended range of (5mg-10mg) per day, with a half-life of 24-36 hours. Cycles range from between 8-12 weeks dose-dependent.
10mg per capsule // 60 capsules per bottle
Made in USA
These products are not for use in preventing, curing, or treating a particular disease or ailments. For research only, not for human consumption.