Biotek MK2866

Biotek MK2866

The most versatile SARM.

MK-2866, known as Ostarine in clinical terms, falls under the category of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMS) and was specifically developed to address issues like muscle wasting and osteoporosis. Unlike anabolic steroids, which also bind to androgen receptors, SARMS like Ostarine do not convert into substances like DHT or estrogen.

Officially classified as a Ligand, MK2866's sole purpose is to directly stimulate anabolic activity at androgen receptor sites within muscle and bone tissues. This SARM can be employed for either muscle growth or muscle preservation, depending on one's diet. Users will experience increased protein synthesis and nitrogen retention, creating a highly anabolic environment.

Key Points:

  • Is Anabolic even at doses as low as 3mg
  • Fantastic for strength gains
  • Noticeable gains in lean muscle mass
  • Fantastic for body recomposition
  • Increased endurance capabilities both aerobic or anaerobic
  • Superior Joint healing abilities

Ostarine is versatile and can be used for both weight gain and muscle preservation. This versatility makes it exceptionally useful for both cutting and bulking phases. Users can expect significant gains in lean body mass without the unwanted water retention or concerns about major side effects often associated with traditional anabolic steroids, such as gynecomastia.

The gains achieved with Ostarine are of a cleaner nature and are easier to maintain once the SARM is discontinued. This means that the hard-earned progress won't be lost after the administration is ceased.

During the cutting or dieting phase, Ostarine's muscle-protecting qualities are especially valuable. Being in a caloric deficit can put lean muscle mass at risk, leading to some loss. If a user can preserve muscle mass during a diet, it not only enhances aesthetics but also maximizes fat-burning potential. It's been observed that a loss of muscle mass can hinder metabolism, making fat loss more challenging. By safeguarding muscle tissue, Ostarine also protects the metabolism.

Furthermore, Ostarine boasts impressive joint healing and repair properties, which are crucial during dieting. By safeguarding joints, enhancing tendon and ligament strength, promoting collagen synthesis, and boosting bone mineral content, Ostarine allows users to continue training at a higher intensity. Its preservative effects are so positive that data suggests it may directly contribute to the healing of injuries, rather than merely masking pain as seen with pain medications and cortisone.

BIO-OST is exceptionally effective as a standalone product or when combined with other products from the Biotek range. It can significantly enhance the desired results, whether the goal is to gain mass or cut fat.

Dosage Recommendation: Independent lab research has indicated singular doses per day in the recommended range of 12.5mg to 25mg with a half-life of 24 hours. Independent research has shown Cycles can range between 6-8 weeks dose-dependent. 

12.5mg per capsule // 60 capsules per bottle
Made in USA

These products are not for use in preventing, curing, or treating a particular disease or ailments. For research only, not for human consumption.

It is important to note that this item is not an approved medication or treatment by regulatory authorities such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Its use is primarily associated with experimental and research purposes. Additionally, the safety and long-term effects of this product are not fully understood, and it may have potential risks and side effects. 
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